I work weekends, and usually in Manhattan on weekends are a lot of rubes from out of town. There are plenty during the week as well, but weekends are prime time for the hayseeds to ”come to the BIIIIG city!!”. They are painfully obvious to spot out in a crowd, and they honestly deserve whatever scam or crime happens to them. It amazes me how some of them want some sort of sympathy that they are from out of town.
When I go to a new place, I research some things to help blend in and not be noticed. The culture, customs, fashion, some language, how infrastructure works, just things you should know.
When I went to Mexico City, everyone said: ”hey be careful, it's really dangerous there”. Well had they done their research, they see it's not as bad as people think, and if you do a couple of things in research and common sense, you awe it's not the different as any other city, just with a different culture to explore.
So a couple of tips for you when you travel, especially you rubes, hayseeds, and marks who have the potential to get worked or worked over,
-Google us your friend. You will find everything you should know about your destination. Find out the weather climate, what the locals tend to wear, transit infrastructure, what's popular attractions and what locals prefer over said attractions. Just learn about the destination and its history.
-Don't look out of place. Remember looking up what to wear? This is so you blend in and not walk around with a huge target on your head. Don't look lost as if you've never been there before. Don't be obvious, that's all. Play it cool and be subtle with when you talk to a local person.
-Dont EVER EVER EVER come out and say you're not from where you are. You might as well as say ROB ME.
-When travelling around, research all your options. Don't walk up to the bus or train and hold the doors saying ”DOES THIS GO TO...” also, learn a phrase or two if you are going somewhere the language. People respect the rube that's trying over the tube that speaks as if the local obviously knows what they are saying.
-Dont be the moron that runs to a chain restaurant or store to see ”whats different” as if that's a goal. The people working in those locations think you're assholes for doing that.
-Dont just randomly assume anything. Don't travel to a place and assume everyone will welcome you. Don't go to a big city, see what looks like a crack alley and say ”that should be safe to walk..” if it would look shady where you are from, it's probably shady where you are visiting.
Just stop being stupid rubes, hayseeds, or marks when you're travelling, it's not fucking hard.