Kick ass, don’t tell me how you would….

by Peter Marus

Always remember a simple rule.  If someone can’t paint a picture about anything-job description, theory or reason for something, any answer-in less than four sentences, they are full of shit and trying to sound like an authority on something they know little about.  There’s entire industries of people like this and they are trying to fleece money from people.  They are everywhere in every facet of life.  Watch them and notice one thing:  they talk a big game about something, yet they themselves don’t DO whatever it is they are endlessly droning on about.

I was following someone on Instagram who I guess is considered an “influencer”, a startup CEO, overall step above con artist.  This person started BJJ, and floods social media feeds with long ass pontifications and “words of wisdom” for the followers.  I had to stop following because the messages being said were the same as the bullshit ones I see on LinkedIn and from BJJ “masters”, the tired phrases about going after it, failure is a lesion, blah blah blah.  It’s all dogshit people say to themselves to make them feel better about their, at best, mediocrity.  Then the “influencers” speak those phrases to others to fool them into believing the phrases and to fool the people into thinking the sayer has something important to say. 

I know BJJ blackbelts who do this.  These “masters” will post a 200-word “theory” on a technique or position.  Meanwhile you ask them to show their theory in action, they use smoke and mirrors to show it works in demonstration, but when used in “live rounds” it not only doesn’t work, but it puts you in a worse situation.  I know some “Blackbelts” that have built their reputation and business on their ability to “work the marks”.  

Where I train, theories are kept to a few sentences where it’s digestible, and then shown in a real situation that it works.  When asked about an aspect of it, they have a solution.  Their social media accounts aren’t overloaded with long diatribes.  When you talk to them they talk to you, not down to you are at you like you’re stupid.  

Take what I just said about BJJ and replace it with any subject.  I guarantee you will see and know what I’m talking about.  Go to the guy/gal you know is not qualified for their job and ask them what they do in their role.  If it takes more than four sentences to give you the clear gist of what they do, they are either in a bullshit job or they don’t know what they are doing.  

Lesson to take: don’t spend time talking the bullshit of what you do or want to do or would do.  Just fucking do it and let the results speak for themselves, and don’t draw attention to it to feed your ego.  

*insert the irony remarks about this post and the subject matter, blah blah blah...*