I hope his golf balls are stuck in his hole in Hell

by Peter Marus

I’m going to write about someone that has been on my mind for way too long.  This fat fuck terrorized me and treated my parents like dogshit, despite them being wonderful to my aunt and her kids.  I wish I could piss on his fucking grave but I can’t since my aunt is also buried there….yet another way this punk ass hid behind her.  

This tubby lard of shit married my dad’s sister.  I don’t know why he hated my parents, his kids get merely mouthed about it when I asked them once, but he wanted nothing to do with us.  He enjoyed the other siblings of my dad, but he had some stick up his ass about my dad.  He would come over to our house and would blow everyone off, go into our living room to watch his fucking golf.  He loved golf, I assume it because he got to play with balls bigger than his.  He one time got mouthy with my mom over it, and she wasn’t having it which almost lead to him and his family getting thrown out of the party.  

He would pick on me, the kid with cataracts, whenever his pussy ass felt.  He’d punch me, talk shit to me, and was just a massive bully.  My parents say I once in a while stood up to him, but I don’t remember that.  I do remember fantasizing murdering him in front of his family.  Yes, I actually did that.  Fatso always said he wanted to toughen me up…which in hindsight was a shot at my dad.  I dreaded having to go over to his house, despite how awesome my aunt and cousins were to me and my family.  

I’ll give you some background about this fat cunt.  He was so intimidated by his kids, many who had potential, he sabotaged many of them.,  One of my cousins was MENSA level smart but good old dad was too cheap to pay for the classes, since that probably would cut into his sorry ass golf game.  I assume he was good to my Aunt, but I don’t see that to be honest.  I’m not accusing things, but his wife always have a ton of makeup on….

Anyway, his job as a school bus driver for deaf kids to a school in the Bronx, which Im sure Mr. Tough Guy said many things to them with little fear of repercussion.  When he was not doing this, he was neglecting his family by playing golf, which amazed me he didn’t have a heart attack or actually hit the ball with his gut always in the way.  When he wasn’t;’t playing golf, he was always watching it.  If it was on in the living room of his house, he ran everyone out so he can watch real men play the sport he claims to do.  Luckily the basement was a fun place to hang out with my cousins.  

I never respected him, especially with how he treated my parents.  The moment I realized how fucking pathetic he was, was after my Aunt died and we went to the wake, he comes running up to my parents and me to hug us, and I just pushed him away and looked at him like the big pile of shit he was.  After the funeral, Lard ass suddenly tried to be nice to everyone.  Maybe he realized how alone he will be without the shield of his wife there.  He still was a scumbag, like when he moved to Florida and guilted one of my cousins to move with him and became his caregiver.  She got screwed when he got sick and had to leave the community he was at, and came home penniless while her brothers took care of the old fuck.  

When he died (which I hope was slow and painful), my dad and I went to his funeral.  I went to make sure there was a body and he wasn’t trying to scam us by faking his death for money.  It was enjoyable to show up to the funeral where there was I think 12 people there.  Not even all his kids where there, and I don’t blame them.  A funeral is supposed to be a testament to how loved you are, and that day showed how no one loved him.  

After, my cousins held a brunch at a restaurant.  As we pulled up to the restaurant my dad said how proud he was that I went to the funeral.  I snapped at him and said the only reason I was there was out of respect to his sister, who I loved and couldn’t figure out why she was every married to that asshole.  My dad looked at me and had a smile on his face.  When we were leaving one of my cousins came up to thank us for showing up.  It made me extremely proud of my dad when he said pretty much the same thing I told him, minus the asshole part.  My cousins seemed stunned and confused, as if they didn’t realize that their father was a jerk off to my dad.  Maybe Stockholm syndrome is real.

Anyway, I hated him then, I hate him now, I will always hate him.  No one in my family will convince me otherwise.  Those who know what and who I am talking about and think I’m wrong or I’m out of line “speaking ill of the dead”, that’s your problem and if he was good to you or your family it was probably because he was conning you guys for some sort of gain.