Let’s get to it. First, I’m exhausted of this bullshit. I’m tired of hearing how everyone is hurting and all the woe is me shit. I’m not doing great and you don’t hear my bitching. Suck it up and move on. Like the restaurant industry. I get shit for saying the truth: that the industry is one of the most overinflated bubbles and at some point a reckoning like this was inevitable. Plus 60-70 percent of restaurants fail, so it’s not a golden ticket being ripped out of someone’s hands. On top of this, they are given special treatment to build “outdoor dining” areas in front of their restaurants. The owners then build fucking buildings with full power and HVAC that take up the sidewalk and part of the street, making driving dangerous. They take advantage of the laws and I’m somehow supposed to feel bad for them? Fuck them and their eyesores.
But I’m the asshole for saying that. Guess what, businesses fail. And restaurants, despite the romanticism of how they are somehow pillars of communities, are businesses. The fact that the bubble was held up for so long is amazing, but at some point a correction was needed. It did amaze me how in some parts of town, you can have three restaurants on the same block serving the same style of food. How is that sustainable? And the illusion the government is supposed to prop up and save every restaurant is insane to me. At some point people have to look at themselves and say “I guess I can’t survive, time to move on to the next job/business”. It’s not a bad thing to fail. Trust me, I know. But the pathetic “everyone shouldn’t fail or feel pain” is a farce.
Speaking of pain, fuck Texas and most of the people who live there. You all wanted your own power grid, and you got what you deserve for “freedom”. Your politicians played you like a fiddle, trying to say how the US needs Texas, which if you look at stats as far as how much federal money goes into the state vs. how much the state gives to the feds, Texas needs the US like your dirtbag cousin with 4 kids from three dads needs the family than you need them in your life. The “Leaders” at every level there are failures, from the Governor blaming an environmental deal that isn’t even in effect. The big tough Senator, Ted “slap my wife in front of me and I’ll do nothing like a bitch” Cruz fled the country rather than stay and show some balls and lead.
I would feel bed for Texans, but those dumb motherfuckers re-elect garbage, shitbag, conmen so they do it to themselves. They fall for the con and hide behind the American flag (which they want to secede from every time they have a hissy fit ironically), and think they are the real Patriots, they are the real men.
They are nothing but a bunch of pussies that can’t handle a dusting of fucking snow. Real rough and tough people, aren’t they?