Well, I hope everyone is having a good time in their isolation. I’m finding the positives and negatives of it.
I was thinking before all this my big worry was how my life was going to be when my wife went back to work full time. The original plan was my mother in law was going to move in and help with my daughter. Unfortunately before the lockdowns she had a serious medical issue that threw a wrench into plans. I stopped BJJ for what I hoped is a temporary thing, but even now I’m not sure. I had to put my daughter first, and had to give that up.
When my job ended in March, I tried to get PFL via the state. I had some time left and I thought I could use it for the time off. That got denied, and I’m still waiting for NY to get back to me about my unemployment claim. It’s sucks but I got enough to do to keep me busy.
One positive is getting to bond more with my daughter. My wife works from home and when she’s on a call or her computer, I’m responsible for my daughter. So far we are getting along, though my kid and I are control freaks when it comes to who’s schedule we should be on. The time taking care of her has helped me learn some patience and coping skills.
When I am not taking care of her I am cooking. I am trying different ways to cook, suck as pressure cooking and slow cooking on top of my usual air frying. The Ninja Foodi is t that. I’m also trying to connect with people more, which is something I just haven’t done mush. I want to try to learn some more skills to help me in the future.
I’m also thinking about my future. It’s frightening to me. I don’t know still about how things will work yet when it comes to my wife and daughter. Before everything, I was supposed to talk to my bosses about going part time to free up time to take care of things at home, and maybe get my other plans to move forward. I don’t know if that’s going to still be the plan or not. It’s frustrating to me. I already was about to have my life shifted in different directions, and having this situation we are all in makes things even more screwed up.