I choose to make myself uncomfortable and scared, and it's exciting and makes me feel alive in some ways.

by Peter Marus

I am in a time of some changes in my life.  I am in one of my stages where things need to be shaken up a bit.  I'm in a rut and need to disrupt some things in my life.  It's not a "living by chaos" mentality or anything, more "change equal stimulation". 

Here's what I've witnessed with one chooses to change something in their lives.  You will have people against the idea and try to discourage you from following through.  Sometimes those people are coming from a legit place of concern, but some will do this for their selfish reasons not for your interests.  Maybe they don't want to see you fail, maybe they lose out in some way that they are more concerned for than your happiness, who knows.  Just know that if the choices and changes in your life aren't dissappointing someone, you're doing it wrong.  You're not doing what you think is best for you, but to make others happy and satisfied.  Worry about you first and deal with being generous helping others after.  You got an experation date, don't waste your freshness on bullshit.

Change is hard, change is scary, choosing to change is ten times the feelings, but it's exciting and has my mojo going that I want to use in other parts of my life.